The World of H.C. Berann

Art prints for sale


Small format prints

All measurements are in cm. Sizes are given both  for the paper the print is printed and the size of the actual painting.
Original name
English translation
Paper size
(cm x cm)
Painting Size
(cm x cm)
(in €)

32 x 28
20 €

Tempelhof und Stupa in Kathmandu
Temple and Stupa in Kathmandu
27 x 32
24,5 x 32
25 €

Gokarna, Kathmandu

25 x 33
20,5 x 11,5
25 €

Pashupatinathm Kathmandu

25 x 33
20,5 x 14
25 €

Tempelhof in Bangkok
Temple Courtyard in Bangkok
25 x 33
20,5 x 15,5
20 €

Tiroler Bauer aus Berwang
Farmer from Berwang, Tyrol
25 x 33
16 x 22
20 €

Alter Bauer, Porträt
Portrait of an Old Farmer
32 x 26
19,5 x 24,5
20 €

Painting of a Woman
32 x 34
14 x 18
20 €

Felswände in der Pala, Dolomiten
Rock Wallks in the Dolomites
32 x 26
28 x 20
20 €

Schottermühle von Monzambano
Gravel Pit in Monzambano
32 x 34
28 x 23
20 €

Landschaft aus Nepal
Landscape in Nepal
23 x 32
24,5 x 24,5
20 €

Mutter mit Kind
Mother with Child
26 x 28
13,5 x 17
20 €

Sterne und Blüten
Stars and Flowers
23 x 32
17,5 x 23
20 €

Zyklus der Tierkreiszeichen
Signs of the Zodiac
32 x 34
21,5 x 21,5
20 €

Sternzeichen Waage
26 x 34
24 x 31
20 €

Sternzeichen Waage
32 x 34
13,5 x 17,5
20 €

Mädchen mit Krug
Girl with Pitcher
26 x 33
14 x 25
20 €

Medium format prints

All measurements are in cm. Sizes are given both  for the paper the print is printed and the size of the actual painting.

Original name
English translation
Paper size
(cm x cm)
Painting Size
(cm x cm)
(in €)
Verfemung (Ausschnitt)
Outlary (Detail)
49 x 34,5
46 x 21
100 €

47 x 32
24,5 x 22,5
130 €

Large format prints

All measurements are in cm. Sizes are given both  for the paper the print is printed and the size of the actual painting.

Original name
English translation
Paper size
(cm x cm)
Painting Size
(cm x cm)
(in €)

70 x 50
31 x 45
130 €

Grinser Brücke
Bridge in Grins
70 x 50
40 x 28
130 €

Bergheuer im Bergell
Mountain Farmer in the Bergell
70 x 50
38 x 33
130 €

Viller Moor
Moor near Vill
70 x 50
42 x 30
130 €

70 x 50
21 x 47
130 €

Akt Susanne
Nude "Susanne"
70 x 50
41 x 29
130 €

Akt Diare
Nude "Diare"
70 x 50

130 €

Zyklus der Tierkreiszeichen
Signs of the Zodiac
70 x 50
55 x 27
130 €

Akt Ekstase
70 x 50

130 €

Ordering information

Above prices are without shipping and handling. For an accurate quote including shipping to your destination please contact

Atelier Berann
Prof.-Berann-Weg 76
A-6072 Lans


Currently payments are accepted only by wire transfer. 

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Created and maintained by the family of H.C. Berann -

Unless stated otherwise, all images on this web site are copyrighted (c) by Berann, the National Geographic Society (USA), Mair's Geographischer Verlag or other copyright holders. Reproduction of or linking to the images is not permitted without the express permission of the copyright holder.